Mira Pahlic, Ph.D, received her doctorate in Cell Biology from Virginia Tech in 1982. She published basic research findings in several peer-reviewed scientific journals. She did post-doctoral research in Gothenburg, Sweden and additional research at the University of Virginia. Now she is using basic knowledge of Cell Biology and Biochemistry to follow new discoveries that relate to Health and Aging.
Alzheimer’s accounts for up to 70% of all dementias and will be the focus of this presentation. The known risk factors for Alzheimer’s will be discussed and how they act on the cellular level. Alzheimer’s is primarily a loss of neural connections in the brain that result in loss of mental functions, especially memory. The work of Dr. Dale Bredesen is giving new hope that dementias can be prevented or slowed down. Analyses and recommendations of Dr. Bredesen will be presented with hope that the audience will learn what can be done to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s.