Expert Witnesses: Clash of Science/Educator and Law
Vivian B. Lord, Ph.D. Brief CV relevant to my area of research on Suicide by Cop: PhD. in Psychology; licensed as a Practicing Psychologist in NC; Full Professor at UNC Charlotte with focus on Police Behavior, Crisis Intervention, Violence, and Mediation. Two of my four books are in the area of Suicide by Cop (SbC), and six of more than 50 referred articles focus on my SbC research. I have served as expert consultant and witness on 21 cases primarily focusing on the Suicide by Cop phenomenon. Title: Expert Witnesses: Clash of Science/Educator and Law Scientists can enlighten the Court in an expanding number of areas; however, the courtroom is an adversarial venue in which scientists are unprepared for their credentials and research to be attacked. I will briefly describe my research and experience as an expert witness using some specific cases and testimony.